Healthy Life
Newborn & Pregnant women
Wellbeing in pregnancy is important for both mum and baby.
Growth troubles
Treat your sciatica and all growth troubles with osteopathy.
Work-related disorders
You remain seated in front of your computer all day and get some back pain ? Osteopathy is one of the solutions.
Weight loss
Osteopaths treat a wide variety of ailments, each of which can help you on your way to losing weight.
Lymphatic & blood disorders
Osteopathy can assist in the mobilization of fluids in the circulatory, lymphatic, and respiratory systems
Concentration & mind performance
Great improvements in children who suffer from dyslexia, behavioural and emotional problems.
Stress, anxiety & depression healing
In combination to other mental health services Osteopathy helps to reduce anxiety and its impact on the body.
Injury rehabilitation
Combination of Soft tissue massage, stretching and kinesio taping techniques to return the individual back to full functional fitness.
Follow-up of singers, musicians, dancers
Artistic performance requires an optimal level of physical and psychological skills
Health Coaching
The body is capable of self regulation, self healing and health maintenance.
Facelift & antiaging
Not only helps to reverse the signs of aging, but can also delay and prevent adverse effects to your skin in the future